Unbeatable colours
Imron Marine’s brilliant, mirror-gloss appearance makes any boat look a million dollars. We offer a unique colour pallette including a range of special effects. Whatever colour or style you’re looking for, we have the expertise to match your requirements. In addition, our colours are designed to give optimum hiding power.
- Imron Marine advanced coating systems
- Exceptional UV resistance and colour durability.
- High lustre surfaces.
- Optimal buffability for a mirror-like finish.
- Efficient spot repairs.
- Streamlined multi-toning for faster throughput.
- Full environmental compliance.
- Unlimited choice of colours.
- Unlimited choice of effects: solid, metallics, pearls, xirallic

Imron Marine Color Tools
Improve your paint department’s productivity and profitability.
Color Control Center
More than a formula retrieval system with over 25,000 marine color formulas, it’s also a comprehensive paint and materials management system that tracks all the essential information you require to run an efficient and profitable paint department.
Acquire Quantum EFX Spectrophotometer

The industry’s leading spectrophotometer. In less than a minute, you can scan the boat color and transmit the data to Color Control Center to obtain the correct colour match. Complex metallic, pearl, solid and effect colors are no problem for this camera.
Imron Marine Fan decks:
Solid & Effect Decks give you a comprehensive color matching tool at your fingertips. These decks contain a wide array of colors and variants designed to help you match the most challenging colors and variants, including metallics, pearls and special effects.

The most important advantages of our color reproduction systems:
- Direct, quick creation of color formulas online
- Direct access to technical data sheets and safety data
- Individual color recipes can be transferred directly to your scale