3919S Prepsol
- Slow solvent mixture developed for removal of heavy contaminants prior to surface preparation.
- Composition based on aromatic and aliphatic solvents
Eliminates non-water soluble contaminants, such as wax, polish, tar, silicones and grease from old finishes.
TH80 EP Thinner
- Solvent mixture developed to remove mold release and other surface contaminants from plastics.
- Composition based on blend of aromatic and alcohol solvents.
- Preparatory cleaner, which eliminates non-water soluble contaminants, such as mold release agents and which removes small amounts of grease and oil.
- Can also be used as diluting for DP3330 Spray Fairing and epoxy primers DP8130 and DP8140 (Refer to specific TDS).
Most exterior plastic parts.
TH39 Water Based degreaser
- Mixture of water and solvents developed for cleaning and degreasing before surface preparation and before application of primers or topcoats.
- Composition based on water and glycol ethers.
Eliminates contaminants from old finishes and prepared areas to obtain a perfectly cleaned surface before the application of a primer or topcoat